Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Post-it Note Folder

Elegant Gift Idea

I have been busy again and came up with this idea, which was very quick and easy.  You need cardstock/cardboard, ribbon, printed paper, bling embellishments, glue, scissors, scoring bone and a post-it note pad.  If you would like more instructions or to buy one - leave a comment or contact me via my Facebook page - Morrowville Gifts

Thought for the day:  I must admit I am a list person.  I need to write down just about everything so I can remember, and I am sure I am not the only one!  I think it is because of our fast paced life and we are just too busy.  However, we are not alone because there are numerous times that it is mentioned in the bible to "Write it down".  This occurred when God had something important to say or teach, so the person would not forget.  So when you see my little notebook today, I want you to read some of these verses - 

Exodus - 34:27

Habakkuk - 2:2

Revelation - 1:19

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