Tuesday, April 17, 2012

photography as creation


Photography is a wonderful way to be creative when you need an outlet. Sometimes you can be in the right
place at the right time and take a wonderful shot. I was 'commissioned' to take a picture of a Gereldton Wax bush my father was enamoured with. It took about 20 shots to get one that we were both pleased with. I then got it printed on a canvas for him to put on his wall.

However, whilst doing this for him, I guess I was in the right 'creative zone' and proceeded to find another scene that I just had to capture - a glorious night and day bush with beautiful white and purple and in front of it a random and beautiful bird of paradise - it was striking!  I am planning to get this one mounted for myself!

Dad's Geraldton Wax

Random Capture 

I enjoy dabbling in photography and find it satisfying when they come to life on canvas or some other form and are enjoyed by others.

Thought for the Day:  The old hymn - "To God be the Glory, Great things He hath done" rings true when we see the beauty in nature.  I am always humbled when I look out and see the wonder of creation - it is uplifting to stop in the busyness of life and breathe and wonder. 

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