Saturday, May 5, 2012

Honey Joys - for Sunday :)

Honey Joys


My son has just started wanting to cook.  I must admit even though he is my youngest, I haven't cooked honey joys since I was a little girl!  Anyway, he tried some and has been nagging me ever since to make them.  So today was the day - I really enjoyed creating these with master 5 :)

Honey Joys
4 cups of cornflakes
3 Tablespoons of butter
1/3 cup of sugar
1 Tablespoon of honey

Put cornflakes in a large mixing bowl.  In a small saucepan melt sugar, butter and honey until frothy.  Pour hot liquid into cornflakes and mix.

Line patty tin with patty papers and give a light mist with cooking spray.  Place spoonfuls of mix in papers and cook on a low heat 150 degrees celsius for 8 - 10 minutes.  Let cool completely in patty tins.

Makes 18

This recipe comes from the Take 4 book (green)

Thought for the day:  I love Sundays because it a great day for family and relaxation.  We try to go to church regularly which adds to my joy because I come away feeling uplifted and enjoy seeing and chatting with other people (yep, I don't get out much through the week).  Today, even though it isn't Christmas, I am going to enclose the wonderful song - which should be sang all year round - Joy to the World.

By the way - these are so quick and simple and would be great for a fete/stall.  We are taking some with us to visit Nanna & Pa this afternoon!

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