Sunday, April 29, 2012

Mug-Hug just for me!

Life gets so disheartening and hard sometimes, doesn't it?  Sometimes at some time or another, I think we all wish life was a bit easier.  When we feel disheartened or disappointed, we should try to be gentle with ourselves.  This could mean going back to bed and taking some time out from the world - this is how I feel today!  However, not all of us have this luxury, so here is a list of other things that we could try:

* Go for a walk
* Ring a friend or family member for a chat
* Do something special just for you
* Have a nice relaxing bath
* Splurge on a yummy treat
* Craft, craft craft!
* Buy a nice book or magazine
* Have a nice cup of tea or coffee

So you may wonder why I am feeling overwhelmed today?  I have been up with a sick little boy with the stomach bug.  I am trying to wash a mountain of dirty washing and it is raining.  I clogged up the toilet when I was cleaning it.  I broke the washing machine and I have my husband's end of month bills and tax due today along with all the other million things I should be doing!  There are also other things on my mind.

I usually try to be positive - so I hope that when I get up in the morning things will be a bit better - that is if the rest of the family don't get the bug!  So today I am going to take five minutes out and treat myself to a quiet cuppa with my special little chook mug-hug my mother and I made.

Thought for today:  "Have I not commanded you?  Be strong and courageous.  Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go".  Joshua 1:9

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Knitted Squares

Some of my knitted squares ready for 'Knit for a Cause'
As, I said in an earlier a post, we all have 'gifts' - some are really unique - like the boy who holds the record for balancing the most spoons on his face and others are kind of common compared to that guy anyway!  Not really.

We are all special and have different gifts that we can use.  But what do we use them for?  Good or bad? Maybe we bury them - I know someone who has the most brilliant voice, but refuses to use it because it reminds her of a painful time in her life.  Maybe we are still trying to work out what they are.

I am able to knit (sort of) basic things.  So when I heard about the plight of a young woman who was calling for donations of knitted squares for cancer patients - I felt I had to get involved.  Since I joined, I have knitted a few squares and hope to do more.  It is taking me quite a while, but I know that there are others out there doing their squares which when combined, will look amazing and provide joy and warmth to someone in need.

I must mention that this is not a new concept.  My mother (and late grandmother) and women (and men) from their local church have been knitting, crocheting and sewing things for the local mission for over 55 years!  These women selflessly work all year long to brighten the countless lives of others, never expecting payment or recognition.  However, a few years ago, the media found out and came and shot footage for a television station - the ladies and gentlemen where very proud, however, they took it in their stride and keep going even to this day.

Thought for the day:  God has blessed us all with gifts.  He likes us to use them and is even more pleased when we use them to benefit others.  In the bible (Matthew 25:14-30) we read about the parable of the three talents.  There has always been some controversy about what this means.  In olden times a talent was a unit of measurement.  Some believe a talent relates to how many souls a person will save, others believe it is just representing our giftedness.  Whatever, it is - we should do it to and for the Glory of God!  So I am going to use it this time to represent our gifts which help us create.  How wonderful if we can extend these to help someone else by being charitable.  Charity is the generous actions/donations to help the poor, ill or helpless.  Don't ignore your gifts!

Here is the facebook page if you want to help ' knit for a cause'

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Science Fiction Drawing

My drawing of a Chanswarr

Have you ever been going about your daily routine and suddenly, you find you are bursting to draw something?  I find that this happens to me most when I have been slogging away with lots of numbers (in my office work) or studying lots of dry reading as part of my course.  It has also been that I will wake at night or in the morning and something I have dreamt about seems so vivid - I have to get it out!

I am certainly no artist and this has really only been happening to me in the past few years.  I believe that people need balance in their lives and when life gets hard there really is no room to be creative.  However, eventually this catches up with you and these strong and mysterious urges seem to compel us to create.  It doesn't have to be good - just so long as you can get it out and restore the equilibrium.  Like I said, I have gone on for so many years not being a real 'Creative Person'.  However, I know I am not alone because others have told me similar stories.

I drew this quite ugly fellow when I was on holidays a few years ago.  After being up to my neck in raising kids and working for my husband, I think the calm or the holiday helped me relax and all of a sudden I had to draw!  I hadn't drawn anything since school - oh unless you count stick figures for the kids! So off I trotted down to the local newsagency and bought some pencils and a sketch book.  Once I put the pencils to paper and did some squiggles - this was the end result.  He came from my imagination - I don't particularly like sci-fi movies or television shows because they give me nightmares.  Anyway, my son and husband thought he was pretty cool and they told me to hang it up on the wall.

The point is You don't have to be good at something for it to do you good!  I love the release I get - it soothes me and helps me get my focus back.  It doesn't matter if you draw or garden or cook - find something that will help you de-stress.

Thought for the day:  'Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a longing fulfilled is a tree of life'.  Proverbs 13:12.  This is one of my favourite verses in the bible.  It is so true and a motto that I try to live my life by.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Anzac Biscuits

An Aussie Icon

Today, Australians celebrate Anzac Day - a day for remembering and paying tribute to the men and women who served our country in years passed and those who are still bravely defending it.

We attend dawn services, play two-up and love to eat Anzac Biscuits. These biscuits were made by Australian and New Zealand women and sent overseas to our soldiers in World War 1.  I have included a no-fuss recipe for you to try:

Anzac Biscuits

1 cup plain flour
1 cup rolled oats
1 cup caster sugar
1 cup desiccated coconut
125g butter
1 Tablespoon golden syrup
1 Teaspoon bicarb soda
2 Tablespoons boiling water

Preheat oven 170 degrees celsius and lightly grease two baking trays.  Sift flour in a bowl and stir in oats, sugar and coconut.  Melt butter and syrup in a saucepan and remove from heat.  Dissolve the bicarb soda in the boiling water and add to the butter and syrup (don't panic - this will foam up).  Pour hot liquid into the dry mix and stir until all well combined.  Roll tablespoon-size mix into balls and flatten slightly on tray.  Cook for 15 - 20 minutes or until golden brown.  Remove from oven and let biscuits stand for 5 - 10 minutes before putting on a wire rack to cool.  

Makes approximately 30 and will keep for up to 2 weeks in an airtight container.  Suitable to freeze.

Thought for the day:   Wouldn't it be nice to live in a world that was filled with peace?  Where there was no such thing as war?  Unfortunately, there has always been wars - people and countries who disagree with one another and decide to make it their quest to be proved right regardless of death and destruction and sacrificing innocent lives.  

It has been said that 'Weakness leads to War and Strength leads to Peace'.  This is so true.  How hard is it to restrain from anger when someone has hurt you?  In the old testament of the bible a person was allowed under the law to retaliate against a person who had harmed them - 'an eye for an eye'.  However, when Jesus came into the world he taught a very different view - "Do not resist an evil person.  If someone stikes you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also" (Matthew 5:39).  Wow - talk about pouring cold water on a flame!  By showing love and resisting the urge to get angry quells the angry person.  Jesus really is the ultimate peace symbol for our world.  

I hope our children and children's children continue to pause and remember the sacrifice of our brave men and women who serve/served our country in an effort to uphold peace. 

Knitted Headband

Knitted Headband   

I can't take full credit for this cute knitted headband.  I found the pattern and my Mum happened to see it and decided she wanted to knit it first!  So, I did the decoration which is a puff (naturally) and a crocheted flower and a cat button.  Maybe I could call it pea-green pussy???  

Anyway, we have lots more colours and ideas in the pipeline - but this is the end result for our first attempt. 

Thought for today:  As Mother's Day approaches, we should stop and think what our mothers mean to us.  I especially enjoy spending time with mine because she is a wealth of information - especially with teaching me to knit!  The old saying "Like mother like daughter" which is quoted in Ezekiel 16:44 was not the best compliment because the writer was talking about the womens' faults.  However, if we try to focus on our mothers' good points or the good things they have taught us and try and mirror it, the world is sure to be a better place.  

Let's not forget the old nursery rhyme 'The Owl & The Pussy Cat'

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Creating art on a budget


My artwork - 'Merlot Tulle'

When you are on a budget, it doesn't have to be hard or expensive to add some finishing touches to a room.  I wanted to remodel my bedroom because it hadn't been touched in 15 years!  We needed a new bed and mattress and we were given some money for Christmas which we put towards a new doona cover set which is in black white and grey.  I would have loved to paint the walls and make a colourful feature wall behind, but our budget had been spent!  

My interior decorator course taught me that a keen eye is the most valuable asset and to work with what you already have.  I already had a curtain which was a burgundy colour but I thought the room still needed colour.  So, I bought a canvas and did the abstract painting (in the picture) myself - which finished the room off nicely.  The only reason I say this is that when people walk in, they are immediately drawn to the painting on the wall and ask where did I buy it?  I always have a chuckle when I tell them that I did it and they could do something similar!

I have other paintings throughout the house and like to plan more.  I have done a few for friends also.  The beauty is that you can always paint over them if you get sick it too!

Thought for the day:  We often are made to feel bad or portrayed as 'vain' if we decorate our body or homes.  However, in biblical times temples where adorned with beautiful jewels and stones and some women like Esther had beauty treatments that lasted for a whole year!  God's creation is a wonderful example of extravagant embellishments like nothing else.  Jesus says "Look at how the lilies of the field grow, they do not labour or spin.  Yet not even Solomon in all his glory was dressed like one of these" Mathew 6:28-29.  We must be mindful of becoming prideful, however, it is not sinful to use the gifts God has given us to care for our bodies and homes.  In saying that, what we create will never come close to the glory of God's creation!   

Friday, April 20, 2012

Purple Potion


I thought I would do something a bit different today - a manicure - which is extremely creative for me!

I am always soooo busy and not really a girlie girl, probably because I have lived on a farm all of my life.  I have only had one professional manicure - for my thirtieth - and even though it looks lovely - I just never wear polish because I have not got the time and it peels off because I am always doing something I shouldn't with my hands, so it doesn't last. 

However, I have a special event tonight - an engagement party for my lovely nephew and his wonderful fiancee' who make such a beautiful couple.  This event calls for me to get dressed up and my outfit is grey and black tones.  Therefore, I need a splash of colour to brighten myself up!  I don't own much jewellery, so I bought some purple earrings and this lovely purple flower.  My husband and daughter picked out some nail polish for me, so hopefully the end result will be worth it.

So what did I use?  Sally Hansen 350 - Purple Potion. 

Thought for the day:  Purple has often been associated with royalty and wealth over the years.  Even in the bible it represents prosperity such as in the story of the wife of noble character who is clothed in fine linen and purple (Proverbs 31:22).  There are so many different shades.  Cadbury Chocolate won the rights to exclusively use the colour purple and there is a band called Deep Purple.  

QUESTION:  What do you think about when you see the colour purple?

Here is one of my favourite Cadbury ads -

Thursday, April 19, 2012

cute chicks


My cute easter chick - made from puffs

I know that easter has passed and most of the chocolate has been eaten, however, I really wanted to share these little chicks with you.  

At the last minute I really wanted to put a little display together and decided to make a few of these.  I had the puffs already made ( I have a very large bucket of them in different colours and sizes - like I said - therapy!) and sewed them together and decorated it with pom poms, eyes and felt and sticky foam.  It was extremely quick and easy!

Next year I plan to make more in pastel colours and send in with my children for their raffles.  Let's face it there are so many people out there that can't eat chocolate so we need to think outside the square!  This year my son won a beautiful red rose and a stuffed dog!

Thought for the day:  This little chick reminds us of the meaning of Easter, when Jesus died for us on the cross so that we can repent our sins and be forgiven.  How He conquered death and rose up and went to heaven - the egg and chick represent - New Life.  However, I also think of another verse in the bible where Jesus is talking to Jerusalem and how He longs to gather together their children as a hen gathers her chicks together under her wings (Matthew 23:37).  What a comforting thought when we are feeling sad and lost to know that someone cares for us!

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

photography as creation


Photography is a wonderful way to be creative when you need an outlet. Sometimes you can be in the right
place at the right time and take a wonderful shot. I was 'commissioned' to take a picture of a Gereldton Wax bush my father was enamoured with. It took about 20 shots to get one that we were both pleased with. I then got it printed on a canvas for him to put on his wall.

However, whilst doing this for him, I guess I was in the right 'creative zone' and proceeded to find another scene that I just had to capture - a glorious night and day bush with beautiful white and purple and in front of it a random and beautiful bird of paradise - it was striking!  I am planning to get this one mounted for myself!

Dad's Geraldton Wax

Random Capture 

I enjoy dabbling in photography and find it satisfying when they come to life on canvas or some other form and are enjoyed by others.

Thought for the Day:  The old hymn - "To God be the Glory, Great things He hath done" rings true when we see the beauty in nature.  I am always humbled when I look out and see the wonder of creation - it is uplifting to stop in the busyness of life and breathe and wonder. 

Friday, April 13, 2012

Elegant Puff Card

Puff Card

Puff card

As you get to know me, you will find out how much I love suffolk puffs or yoyos!  I like to use them everywhere, because I find them really good therapy to make, plus you can take them in your handbag - when you are waiting in the car for kids at soccer training!

This little card was made up for my cousin's birthday.

I just used standard white cardstock, silver corregated card and some bling gems to contrast.  The puff is made out of green printed fabric and I embellished with green acid free pen to make the stitches around the edge.

Simple and elegant!

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Pallet Garden - strawberry patch

Pallet Garden


Grab an old pallet & block two ends with timber, bricks or rocks
Potting mix or soil (we used approx 5 bags)

Place pallet on level ground or dig it in slightly.  Fill with soil or potting mix and you have a wonderful easy garden that is ready to go!

I think it would be great for vegetables, herbs or flowers.  Mine has strawberries to start.

I think it would also look great painted in bright colours to match plants etc

 *IMPORTANT* Make sure the pallet or timber is not made out of treated pine or had chemicals spilled on it especially if you are going to eat what you plant!!!!

This one only cost me the potting mix and I was able to get some lovely strawberry plants on a roadside stall for $1 per plant.