Sunday, April 29, 2012

Mug-Hug just for me!

Life gets so disheartening and hard sometimes, doesn't it?  Sometimes at some time or another, I think we all wish life was a bit easier.  When we feel disheartened or disappointed, we should try to be gentle with ourselves.  This could mean going back to bed and taking some time out from the world - this is how I feel today!  However, not all of us have this luxury, so here is a list of other things that we could try:

* Go for a walk
* Ring a friend or family member for a chat
* Do something special just for you
* Have a nice relaxing bath
* Splurge on a yummy treat
* Craft, craft craft!
* Buy a nice book or magazine
* Have a nice cup of tea or coffee

So you may wonder why I am feeling overwhelmed today?  I have been up with a sick little boy with the stomach bug.  I am trying to wash a mountain of dirty washing and it is raining.  I clogged up the toilet when I was cleaning it.  I broke the washing machine and I have my husband's end of month bills and tax due today along with all the other million things I should be doing!  There are also other things on my mind.

I usually try to be positive - so I hope that when I get up in the morning things will be a bit better - that is if the rest of the family don't get the bug!  So today I am going to take five minutes out and treat myself to a quiet cuppa with my special little chook mug-hug my mother and I made.

Thought for today:  "Have I not commanded you?  Be strong and courageous.  Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go".  Joshua 1:9

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