When you are on a budget, it doesn't have to be hard or expensive to add some finishing touches to a room. I wanted to remodel my bedroom because it hadn't been touched in 15 years! We needed a new bed and mattress and we were given some money for Christmas which we put towards a new doona cover set which is in black white and grey. I would have loved to paint the walls and make a colourful feature wall behind, but our budget had been spent!
My interior decorator course taught me that a keen eye is the most valuable asset and to work with what you already have. I already had a curtain which was a burgundy colour but I thought the room still needed colour. So, I bought a canvas and did the abstract painting (in the picture) myself - which finished the room off nicely. The only reason I say this is that when people walk in, they are immediately drawn to the painting on the wall and ask where did I buy it? I always have a chuckle when I tell them that I did it and they could do something similar!
I have other paintings throughout the house and like to plan more. I have done a few for friends also. The beauty is that you can always paint over them if you get sick it too!
Thought for the day: We often are made to feel bad or portrayed as 'vain' if we decorate our body or homes. However, in biblical times temples where adorned with beautiful jewels and stones and some women like Esther had beauty treatments that lasted for a whole year! God's creation is a wonderful example of extravagant embellishments like nothing else. Jesus says "Look at how the lilies of the field grow, they do not labour or spin. Yet not even Solomon in all his glory was dressed like one of these" Mathew 6:28-29. We must be mindful of becoming prideful, however, it is not sinful to use the gifts God has given us to care for our bodies and homes. In saying that, what we create will never come close to the glory of God's creation!
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