Thursday, April 19, 2012

cute chicks


My cute easter chick - made from puffs

I know that easter has passed and most of the chocolate has been eaten, however, I really wanted to share these little chicks with you.  

At the last minute I really wanted to put a little display together and decided to make a few of these.  I had the puffs already made ( I have a very large bucket of them in different colours and sizes - like I said - therapy!) and sewed them together and decorated it with pom poms, eyes and felt and sticky foam.  It was extremely quick and easy!

Next year I plan to make more in pastel colours and send in with my children for their raffles.  Let's face it there are so many people out there that can't eat chocolate so we need to think outside the square!  This year my son won a beautiful red rose and a stuffed dog!

Thought for the day:  This little chick reminds us of the meaning of Easter, when Jesus died for us on the cross so that we can repent our sins and be forgiven.  How He conquered death and rose up and went to heaven - the egg and chick represent - New Life.  However, I also think of another verse in the bible where Jesus is talking to Jerusalem and how He longs to gather together their children as a hen gathers her chicks together under her wings (Matthew 23:37).  What a comforting thought when we are feeling sad and lost to know that someone cares for us!

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